Personal effectiveness

Why People don’t Fulfill their Assignment

Why People don't Fulfill their Assignment


Many people find it so hard to focus on what they’ve been called to do. Sometimes it’s not their fault because there are legitimate distractions that call for attention.

They get distracted and then chase unimportant things.

Imagine a man who has two months to live before he dies. Such a man will be deliberate in what he does. He will prioritize his activities.

Certain things will no longer have meaning to him. The only thing he wants to do is fulfil his assignment and put his house in order.

But what do we see today, some men are no longer concerned with what they have been called to do. They are whiling away time and are not disturbed about it.


An assignment is a call attached to fulfilling a purpose. And without knowing your assignment you cannot fulfill your purpose.

Please note that God has given us a purpose on earth, but as individuals our assignments are different. Your purpose is an assignment you must seek wholeheartedly.

And you need to understand that even in finding your purpose and fulfilling it there are challenges you must overcome.

Every task is as unique as its specific opportunity.

God has designed something unique for everyone. And until you find that unique thing you are designed to do, then you can’t fulfil your purpose.

There are so many reasons people never get to carry out their assignments:

  1. The fear of people.
  2. Selfishness
  3. Negative thoughts.
  4. What they put at the centre of their attention.
  5. What they focus on.
See also  How to Take Charge of Your Time

No matter how impossible it may seem, you can discover your place of assignment if you focus on it. And also pray to God to help you.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Wait for Him to Propose to You

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