Girls TalkHeart to Heart

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Wait for Him to Propose to You

It’s becoming quite common in our society today for a woman to wait on the man’s willingness to propose to them for marriage before it happens. While this seems like the needed butterflies and fantasy that you want, you may have to wait a long time for that to happen if you don’t come forward with your intentions. In some quarters where a man is seen as the sole financier of relationships, it is understandable as to why you will be conditioned to leave this to him to manage/handle. A lot of people have varying beliefs as to how long you should be in a relationship for, but the conversation is not had instead, more focus is placed on the dates, butterflies and the sweet texts. However, as a woman who knows why she’s in a relationship, you want to be proactive, and start by stating your purpose as opposed to ‘going with the flow’ or ‘seeing how it goes’. You need to understand that not having this conversation with your partner because you want a surprise proposal is not right as the proposal is not consequential to what your married life will be all about. So you do not want to waste your time waiting on a proposal that may never happen just because you chose not to take charge of your life. Situations like these expose that you’re not thinking of yourself the way you should in these relationships you find yourself , and you don’t want to assume the main character role in your life by waiting on him to propose to you.
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Read Also: 5 Essential Vaccines for Women’s Health This is not to say that you shouldn’t get your ‘I said yes’ pictures or the feeling of him giving you the ring in the romantic way that you want it. This piece is telling you that you don’t have to wait on him to get to the point of deciding on whether to propose to you, or not.

Here are 5 Reasons You Do Not Need to Wait for Him to Propose to You:

  1. You understand that this is your life: Understanding that this decision is a big aspect of your life shifts your mindset from ‘He is the man and whenever he’s ready, I’m ready too’ to ‘This is an important decision for me and I need to let him know what I’m in this relationship for. When this is known you’re able to progress to the timeframe that is okay for both of you, and work with it.
  2. You’ll be protecting your heart: It’s no fun jumping aimlessly from one relationship to another when you know that you desire something serious and you’re not in a relationship for fun. You lose a bit of yourself as you go into one relationship after the other. The accumulated hurt may cause you to not fully rivet and enjoy the relationship you’d eventually have with your spouse.
  3. You know what you want: Knowing what you want out of a relationship puts you in a position where you are assertive and can state what you want without fear. Knowing what you want reduces the tendency that you’ll be toyed with or attract people that want a fling.
  4. You have set-priorities: When you’ve built strong priorities for your life as a high value woman, you know what you’re doing with yourself at certain times , and what you don’t want. Prioritizing yourself means honoring your boundaries and not letting people walk over you with indecisiveness. This makes you come from a place of clarity in decisions you make about your life.
  5. You manages your expectations and release tension: As a woman who is grounded in herself and knows what she’s doing with her life, you know to handle yourself better when you are aware of the state of your relationship, you’re also not unnecessarily bothered or confused about the outcome of your relationship unless there’s circumstances beyond your control.
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As a woman, when you approach your relationships from a timid standpoint, it is easy for you to be perceived as a doormat and one who they can decide for. Taking charge of your life and stating what you want from the beginning of the relationship helps you block out the feeling of uncertainty you have on whether your man will propose or not. While the surprises are cute, knowing that you also have a voice in the decision of who you’re marrying is more important.

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