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Six Deadly Habits Women Must Quit

Six Deadly Habits Women Must Quit
Six Deadly Habits Women Must Quit
Oftentimes, women unknowingly become entangled in unhealthy habits. Some of these habits may include physical activities that could have grave medical implications. Others may take a toll on your mental health. There is a school of thought that some women become victims of some deadly habits and are unable to get rid of them. Overthinking, being a people pleaser, speaking negatively about your life and so on are practicable examples of daily habits that could develop as a result of trauma problems or life experiences. In this article, I will examine some of the most common deadly habits women must quit. Thus, a carefully curated guide was created based on my findings and research.
  1. Overthinking
You are an overthinker when you take offense at the little harmless comment; you get up at night to ruminate over issues you could easily let go of, absent-minded, you overanalyze problems to the point of taking offense in every simple, innocent comment, even those that were said as a compliment. Overthinking also makes you take situations out of context and put emotions into things that aren’t meant to be emotional.
  1. Excessive Pressure
Generally, men and women like to put excessive pressure on themselves and those around them. Women are often their own biggest critics because they constantly scrutinize themselves till they become conceited without noticing it. This kind of pressure makes them focus on inconsequential details rather than the big picture. Also, women often want to bow to societal standards and expectations. The ability to want to “do it all” syndrome robs us of emotional exhaustion. There are the mental and physical side effects, such as anxiety, chronic stress, depression and suicidal thoughts. Medically, the long-term effects of subjecting yourself to unnecessary pressure include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, substance abuse and eating disorders.
  1. Ignoring Health
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In balancing multiple responsibilities, we neglect our mental and physical health. These traits manifest as lack of exercise, unhealthy eating choices, and inadequate sleep. Some of these issues start small and become bigger when ignored. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, is a deadly habit you should quit to have a sound mind. Breakfast is necessary as it increases glucose and energy levels and provides essential nutrients nourishing the brain and body. Just as you care for your heart, you should also care for your body.
  1. People-Pleasing
I stated earlier that high societal expectations can cause women to over-pressurize themselves. Another is people pleasing. People-pleasing is a nasty habit that stems from societal expectations and standards. Being a people pleaser requires constantly seeking validation to feel accepted. Often, women who are people pleasers feel unloved, intimidated, or grew up in an environment where they are not valued. As they grow older, they crave attention, love, and the need to be seen and will do everything to be noticed, even if it means pleasing people against their will. Continuously doing this leads to burnout, diminished self-worth, and resentment. In addition, women in this category also lose their principles and values.
  1. Perfectionism
The world has set unrealistic standards for women and expects them to be perfect. Hence, you see a lot of women undergoing surgical procedures to have the perfect body and shape. Homemakers are pressured to have an unrealistic, ideal home and life.  Even at work, the need for perfection is not spared. This is dangerous as the drive for perfection can lead to constant dissatisfaction and stress. Instead of celebrating your wins or achievements, you constantly worry that you could have done better, thus robbing yourself of joyful moments. The truth is that when you realize that you are not perfect and that it’s okay to make mistakes, you learn to appreciate your progress.
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READ ALSO: Six Deadly Habits You Must Quit


Quitting these deadly habits such as overthinking, excessive pressure, neglecting health, pleasing people and perfectionism can make you live a more fulfilled life. The first step is to recognize and address these habits to reclaim your self-worth and value. Remember that you are human and not a robot, so it’s okay to be imperfect and make mistakes. Embrace self-acceptance and prioritize personal growth. Finally, as you make progress, it’s not only beneficial to yourself but to your entire community at large.    

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