If you’re defensive like me, you probably scrolled past this simultaneously rolling your eyes. I understand, no judgment here. You have my complete understanding, but because love from choice sisters is supreme and I am your sister – relaxxxxxxxx. Let me explain.
My first set of ‘love letters’ – handwritten too – were from a woman. The first time I ever felt fully seen and appreciated was by a woman. The first time my words didn’t have to be complete for me to be heard was also by a woman. These moments are reminders, they are in fact standards.
The first “What do you want?”, “Can I do anything for you?”, even my first novel – from a woman.
I know, I know – breakfast, lunch too abi? But here’s the thing: women know how to see things that your eyes see. There’s understanding in your body language, and your mood is perceived and felt.
This article is not to lie to you; it is hard work and investment – probably more than you would even do for a man. But these are the women your children will call aunties. They’re going to surround you on your wedding day. They’re going to love you through your choices, and still stand with you when the outcomes of those choices come to say hello.
They say that where you water will bloom abi? If you know this, why do you quit your sisterhood at the slightest inconvenience? Where is the perseverance and patience that you show Kunle? I also want you to know that the tightening of your chest when Hadassah does it, as opposed to the nonchalance when Kunle behaves like a man, is evidence of your complete trust in Hadassah. That you did not hold back.
You’re probably thinking that the two cannot be compared. You’re thinking that the romance with men cannot be found in women. Have you bought your girl a gift? Taken her out? Sent a short note telling her how much you appreciate her? Have you surprised her? Have you wooed her?
Let her know the significance she has. Is romance not created? Do we stumble into it?
I leave you with the compulsion of Kristen Wiig: “Girlfriends are so important. You can have a boyfriend or husband when you’re 30, but you still need your girlfriends.”
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