A solid mother-daughter relationship is one of the most essential family ties that has a lasting effect. I say this as an adult daughter who shares a close bond with her mother. Even in adulthood, we need our mothers’ care and nurture. So when I hear stories of distraught mothers and daughters or daughters who had a difficult and painful upbringing due to lack of a mother-daughter bond, it is heartbreaking. This article is specially dedicated to mothers (aspiring, expectant and mothers with daughters) who want to learn how to build a close bond with their daughters.
- Listen to your daughter
- Be your daughter’s best friend
- Don’t be too critical
- Admit your mistakes
- Build common interests
Developing a mother-daughter relationship requires a lot of effort and patience. It starts when you try to be your daughter’s best friend, listening to her views and not being too critical of her actions. Let your daughter see you as a safe space and not otherwise. Remember, your relationship with your daughter is a long-lasting one.Discover more from Feminine Digest
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