Healthy & Beauty

8 Facial Exercises to Lose Face Fat

woman with face fat

Many women, no matter their age, struggle with facial fat. They spend their mornings staring at the mirror and wondering how they can lose it.

Dear queen, this piece is for you. Having a double chin or puffy cheeks does not make you any less beautiful. However, if you feel that something must be done about it, there are exercises and diets you must engage in to burn the face fat.


What causes face fat?

  • Hormones
  • Ageing
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress
  • Water retention
  • Medication
  • Genetics


You should note that facial fat differs from facial bloating. Some women think their bloated face is facial fat and they begin to panic. Know that facial bloating comes and goes, and is due to some underlying condition. To make your face slimmer and your jawline sharper, here are 8 exercises you should try.

Read about exercises for women over 40 here.


Smiling Fish Face

To do this exercise, close your mouth and suck your cheeks in. Then try to smile but hold the position. Do this for 30 seconds and repeat.


Clockwise Circles

This exercise focuses on your cheeks. Close your mouth and purse your lips. Then move your mouth clockwise in circles. Do this exercise for 30 seconds and repeat it.


Cheek Firmer

Close and purse your mouth, then move it from one side to the other. This exercise is similar to clockwise circles but instead of moving it around, you move it from side to side.


Under Chin Duck

This exercise targets your chin. To do it, raise your head to look at the ceiling. Purse your lips (just like blowing a kiss to the ceiling) and hold them for a few seconds. After this, stretch your mouth into a smile. Return to starting position and repeat for 30 seconds.

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Yes! Smiling is an exercise that can reduce your facial fat. Close your mouth and clench your teeth. Push the roof of your mouth with your tongue, then stretch the corner of your mouth as much as you can. Hold for a few seconds then repeat.


Nose Touching

Many people do this for fun without even realising that it is a face-slimming exercise. It targets the underside of the chin. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Try to touch your nose with the tip of your tongue. Hold this position for a few seconds and then repeat.


Neck Lift

Raise your head to look at the ceiling. Stretch your lower jaw forward and hold for a few seconds. Then release it and repeat.



To do this, close your mouth and eyes and take a deep breath. Then exhale with a “ha” sound, tongue stretched out and eyes looking up. Go back to the starting point and repeat the exercise.


How to purse your lips

Some people may be confused about how to purse their lips. It is not hard to do. Sometimes, you do it without realising it especially when you want to show disapproval. To purse your lips, you bring your lips tightly together so that they form a rounded shape.


What more can you do?

Doing facial exercises might not be enough to lose some weight in your face. This is why there are other habits you should learn in addition to the exercises. They include:

  • Eat a healthy diet – especially meals high in protein.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake.
  • Do cardio as much as possible.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Get enough rest.
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If you follow these tips and do the exercises, your slimmer and younger face is closer than you think.


Opeyemi Kareem

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